I did a tiny craft fair last year with my stepmother at a little church near her... I sold a few things, but it was really small and the shoppers really weren't my demographic... but it was fun and a good experience. Last weekend I did my first solo fair - an outdoor gig hosted by a local historical society. Again, it was pretty low-key, but the entrance fee was very small and I figured it would again give me some experience, which is always good.
The entire fair was pretty much a bust. The weather was pretty gross - it didn't full-on rain, but it was misty pretty much all day and cold. As far as I can tell, the organizers of the fair didn't do much for advertising - there wasn't even a sign on the road saying exactly what was happening - people driving by wouldn't have known if it was a craft fair, a yard sale, a party - whatever. I wasn't really impressed there. There was very little traffic and not real successful for anyone. But I did make a couple of sales, and I'm pretty sure there are some people who didn't make any - so at least that didn't happen.
I also got a special order - the woman set up at the table next to me liked one of the dresses I had but needed a different size for her daughter. I just finished up that order and am about to ship it out to her... it came out pretty cute, if I do say so myself...